Expression of a Region

Sonoro: “Renacer”

From Guayaquil, Ecuador, Sonoro presents its first release in digital format, first release as a label. This one is run by Juan Diego Illescas , music producer and cultural manager of the Ecuadorian art scene and co-founder of Sonoro. Daniel Campoverde , also co-founder and producer, tells us more about the whole process.

As the founder of Sonoro I am pleased to tell you that today May 24, 2021 we are presenting our first release in digital format (via bandcamp). Is about “Renacer”, It consists of three tracks of mine and two remixes by: Luc Ringeisen and Felipe Venegas.

For Sonoro it means a rebirth in the realm of nightlife, dance music, and bohemian life, which was the beginning of this artistic project.

This product seeks to expand the possibilities for artists from the region to present their musical proposals and, in turn, be valued in different parts of the world.

Sonoro promotes the culture of electronic and experimental music in Latin America. It is initiated as an important promoter of artists. Born in 2013 at the initiative of Daniel Campoverde and elRojo, Latin American members of the collective Mnmlktchn from Brooklyn, NYC-USA.

Three years later, professionals joined as co-founders of Sonoro in Quito. This is the case of Juan José Terneus Ozen, producer / DJ; Nico Rocco, music promoter; and Juan Diego Illescas, music producer and cultural manager.

The programs continue and Sonoro crystallizes as a promoter of electronic music events in Ecuador and the United States. The work of some artists has been promoted, including: Ion Ludwig, Luc Ringeisen, Vera, Felipe Venegas, Marc Milner, Barac, dj Three, Patrice Meiner, K.tou, Herodot, Dani Casarano, Andrea Ferlin.

Since 2017 Sonoro ventures into the academic field. Collaborating in the management of a circuit of artistic-cultural events called Cuarto de Máquinas, at the University of the Arts (Guayaquil-Ecuador).

Two years later (2019) Sonoro contributes with his artistic management to the ESPOL Electronic Experimental Ensemble of the Escuela Superior Politécnica del Litoral.

In 2020 the Electronic Music Industry Alive arises, a space dedicated to dialogue with artists from the international music industry. Among some guests participated K.atou Dj and Producer from Athens, Greece, Lars Graugaard (PhD), Luc Ringeisen and Lorenzo Chiabotti, Daniel Maher, Isis Salvaterra.

Currently the Electronic Lawn is being carried out. It is a space for the exploration, experimentation and dissemination of sound, visual and performance arts that considers the biosphere as the guiding axis of any work that originates. Among the guests we have had: Ernesto Romeo, Ulises Labaronnie, Adina Izarra, Rubén Riera & Meining Cheung, Mokele Mbembe, Lucas Leal, Funkee BOM, Morfeo, Law Cant & Valentina Martínez Gallino.

Sonoro has also contributed to the management of ESPOL’s International Sound and Movement Festival (Festival SMOV 2020), for two consecutive years.

Within the framework of the SMOV 2020 Festival, an activity called Share Your Track was produced and carried out, which brought together more than 60 sound and visual artists from more than 14 countries.

In addition, several events were held within the framework of the OFF SMOV activities, after the SMOV 2020 Festival. These activities, which were developed online, brought together great artists from the Latin American electronic music scene such as: Casa Sonido led by Felipe Venegas, Circular Studio by Dorian Chavez, DMF Academy, Sound Creative, all from Chile. The meetings were characterized by offering masterclasses dedicated to the study of electronic music production between the house and minimal genres. Motivating talks are added where different scenarios of the life of great artists such as Felipe Venegas and Dorian Chavez were related.

In the coming months we will inaugurate the sound experimentation laboratory equipped with modular systems. This space will be dedicated to the teaching and study of sound synthesis, electronic music production and DJ classes.
