Expression of a Region


We had the challenging and beautiful opportunity to participate in the OHM collective, made up of more than 80 professionals linked to the arts, culture and ancestral lineage of our country.. For us, registration is essential, for education and cultural archives. It is part of our mission, which has led us to participate in these and other instances. We are witnesses to the teamwork and integration that OHM meant and after 1 year of work, its results can finally see the light. It comes at a historic moment for Chile; the referendum concerning the creation of a new constitution for Chile, pushed by its people.

What you will see next is the audiovisual, performative and musical record, recorded in Santiago de Chile in the premises of Galería Cima and the vicinity of Plaza Dignidad during the multiple demonstrations that occurred in the context of the social revolt of October 2019.

What is OHM?

Omega, the end, the end of an era, the symbol of resistance, homonym to the sound of the universe, the primal sound, Om.

“We respond to the call of our ancestors, the call of what was, is and will be. An invitation to wake up. We receive as an investiture the action of the questioning, which gives us the vision of the great movement; a showdown against acceleration. Due to this, the intention to understand the cycle of processes was born. Knowledge, understanding and wisdom. This work is one of the many responses of the world to the call; an emanation, which, through abstraction, invites the understanding of the stages of the processes that entail the synthesis of what we visualize as a new beginning, a better future, an ascent on the path; transcendence, going beyond the veil. A crystallized action that managed to bring together the spirit of people from different backgrounds, each one contributing fragments of their worldview on the different planes of existence, with the intention of physically realizing the implantation of our desires in the perfume of the ether ”. Ohm

The idea was born from the initiative to generate a work that allows to transmit the feelings of the participants regarding the national contingency and the systematic violations of human rights that have occurred since colonization; through a vision that uses artistic expression as a political agent. From this, the idea arises of generating an audiovisual concert, a script set to music by groups of native peoples and electronic producers that accompany the transit of the main character through a deep internal journey represented through 3 stages based on different concepts of the indigenous worldview, related to different states of existence. From the Selknam culture we get the concept TERR NERR, the underworld. The Mapuche culture gives us WEYCHAN, the war. And the Quechua culture, HATARIY, rise, transcend. Concepts that in this work, are united in a syncretism, amalgamating indigenous spirituality with the western mystical vision. To in this way, unveil the intrinsic relationship that exists between the reality that we inhabit and the rhythm of the transversal, invisible, sacred and ancestral processes that govern us and lead us to walk along the paths of existence. Processes that subtly push us to embark on the path, accept their states and thus have the possibility of transmuting our essence.

The materialization of the project has been possible thanks to an intense collaborative work that brings together the participation of artists, groups and professionals linked to the musical, audiovisual, performing arts, visual arts, dance and performance areas; working together with people belonging to organizations of indigenous peoples (Kutana Indigenous Intercultural Collective, Chol-Chol Indigenous Group Social Development Center, Aymara-Quechua Jacha Marka Indigenous Association, Indigenous Institute of Santiago IACCTIS, Selk Community Youth Assembly Selknam Covadonga Ona) who participated actively and transversally in the development of the project.

Carrying out this production meant an extremely fast and intense preparation, work that would not have been possible without the collectivity and proactivity of those who participated. It certainly shows the high level that Chile has of producing and raising from scratch. Without a doubt they were very long, exciting and very adrenaline-pumping days. Here is a selection of images taken by the South Plug team, which show what the production was, backstage and the context in which OHM was recorded.
