Expression of a Region

If I thought about it a lot, I didn’t do it

50 boxes distributed among the wineries of my mother and friends… that’s how I left, with the house half empty and a half-done move, finished from Spain with the help of my family and very good friends.

I always said that if I thought about it a lot, I didn’t. So in less than a month I closed my house, accounts and practically my life and I came here, to what is now my home, Spain and specifically Madrid.

Madrid is a city that probably the phrase that most defines it (and that they even use as a tourist attraction that can be read on any sign on Gran Vía) is that it “welcomes you”. “Madrid hugs you” Is what the posters proclaim. And although it is true, I do not want to deceive anyone, starting from scratch in a place 10,000 km from your home is not easy, do I regret it? Not at all do it.

I came with the idea of expanding my musical training, but I have learned that everything has its moment. I changed my tactics and those first months I surrounded myself with people who took care of me, I gradually enlarged my circle, and those first contacts with people who reached out to me and believed in me were crucial for what came after. I think it could be summed up as “Madrid embraces you” but you have to “work it out” as they say around here.

It has been 3 years of struggle, making a place for myself in an electronic scene in which my name was one more, and also one without any type of reference, it has not been an easy task, but that is not why I have stopped fighting it all this time, And now looking back, I realize that I have achieved things that I never thought I would achieve. From recognition on the Spanish national radio, having been able to play in several of the best festivals in the country, going through setting up my own label “United Color of Rhythm”.

But new problems did not take long to appear. Not long after launching my label and gradually becoming part of the scene here in Madrid, the pandemic began, so I was forced to think of new ways to get afloat. The lack of parties and places where I can play music, have recently led me to focus on production. Something that has given me great satisfaction, since I have been able to perceive my growth and evolution as an artist, and in turn, it has allowed me to open new windows where my music is valued.

I continue to learn, in fact, I am studying a master’s degree, in order to be able in the future to produce others and to transform this passion into my life’s work (something for which I have always fought).

What’s the beauty of this? It fills your soul, but the bad thing is that it generates instability that often translates into stress and overwhelm. But, having assumed all of the above, here I am and will continue in this adventure as an artist and immigrant in Spain, where I have been welcomed and accepted.

I insist again, nothing is easy, there is a lot of work and effort behind each achievement. Not everyone reaches the end of the straight and I don’t know if it will be my case, what I do know is that I will keep trying until exhaustion to chase my dream.

Below is Fernanda’ss presentation in “Patio”, from South Plug, July 2020
