Expression of a Region


Founded in Berlin, today it has offices in Paris , Toulouse and La Paz. Its main members, Nicolas, Diego and Camilo are 3 old friends motivated by a common love of music and the spread of electronic culture. The 3 friends are backed by Christian and Alexander who are part of the label as artists as well as in their organization. HEARec regularly produces digital outputs (its annual compilation already this available ) and podcasts on their page Soundcloud. We find ourselves preparing the output of our first physical number in early 2021 – HEAR0032 “Scream In The City” by indie-dance and dark-disco duo Sex kino, which has two remixes signed by Mexicans Cabizbajo, Alvee and Fausto.

In recent years, HEARec has positioned itself as a benchmark in the electronic sphere with releases of EPs with more techno overtones. As HEAR0027 by emerging French artist Mila DietrichHEAR0028 by german Patrick Milaa ( accompanied of the respected Nihil young in a remix) and HEAR0040 by the german Lisa croop – or outputs plus indie-dance like the recent releases by Russian Velax ( HEAR0034 “UFO Disco”), the release of the Chilean duo Random Atlas (HEAR0042 “Sample & Hold”), the release of the Mexican Tkuz (HEAR0033 “Wish”).

Before most of the planet fell into a situation of instability and the world of culture was forced to restrict its activities, HEARec organized cultural events in France ( Paris , Toulouse, Bordeaux), Germany ( Berlin , Hamburg, Munich) and was beginning to establish itself solidly in Bolivia and Latin America.

The strength of the label lies in the great diversity of artists who collaborate and support the development of the project both in the musical and visual fields. HEARec develops its image, its artistic and cultural identity in a cosmopolitan way and its richness is the result of its different origins, aspects and visions that result in the essence and particularity of this label.

HEARec seeks to highlight its artists and spread a message of unity, solidarity and optimism for the current scene in these strange times. HEARec isn’t ready to stop surprising us with their finely selected collaborations and releases.

As the boys say “Val Ross Is All Around”, stay tuned for them this year.
