Expression of a Region

Alex June: Chrysos (Show)

Wanting to make the Chilean voguing scene visible, Alex invites the House of Keller to perform the show of his song Chrysos, which is part of his EP Clepsidra, recently released this past 13 Nov 2020.
Accompanied by her musicians Fantasna and Lainus, she unfolds her fans and takes us to her world where performance, pop, electronics and opera converge.

This audiovisual work is directed by Pamela Calquín, lighting installation, camera and montage by the Trimex collective, choreography by Muva Keller from the House of Keller, creative idea by Alejandra Felmer (AJ), Make-up by Andrea Gamio and costume designer Alex June made by Rod Label.

Alex June is a lyrical, pop and composer singer, she has developed a career between Europe and Latin America, playing at festivals such as Lollapalooza (CL), Villette Sonique Festival (FR) The Cuernavaca Festival (Mx) SIM Sao Paulo (Bra) Paris Fashion Week , etc. It has an EP and an LP released in France by Lentonia records, 4 singles and a new EP, released independently. Musical influences come from opera, vapor wave, French pop, and electronic music. The theme covered by this musical proposal revolves around life time, emotions. Currently working on releasing a video clip for April and an EP for mid-2021.
