South Plug presents “Latitudes”, a documentary series that follows the lives of 5 artists from the Latin electronic music scene and Chile as country of origin. From different cities around the world and under their own gaze or lens, we follow them through an intimate journey through their lives. A tribute to the human spirit and its ability to adapt, a window into the reality of an artist.
At the core of our mission is the belief in a world where culture and art reign supreme, representing diverse identities at different historical moments. We embrace the inspiring vision of each artist and seek to contribute by amplifying their voices.
This time we presented a project that was intended to be a continuation of a documentary series we had presented in 2018 and 2019, as “season III.” While it still holds that position, the arrival of Covid and the series of regulations it brought with it, made the project take a much more open course. The enclosure led us to redefine the format and take the physical production to remote production, each artist became a co-producer, following the format and our directions remotely.
We are very happy to present this project, especially to each artist and their story. We hope that each of them will resonate in some way with the audience, that they will provoke, motivate and somehow help in inspiration, but above all in the enthusiasm to create, to search and to move.
LATITUDES presents:
Diego Noguera – Berlín, Alemania
Diego Noguera, composer, actor and theater director. He tells us how he lives his creative process, the search for music as an integral part of the action, the projects he is developing and the limitations he experiences during the pandemic.
WEB / Spotify / Soundcloud
Isidora O’Ryan – Sevilla, España
The singer-songwriter and producer, Isidora O’Ryan aka I.O., tells us about her current process, in pandemic, how she has returned to the origin and intimacy in creation.
Spotify / Youtube / WEB
Toto Conti – Constitución, Chile
Rodrigo Soto aka Toto Conti returned to Constitución just before the pandemic, after living in Santiago for almost 12 years. He resumes his life linked to the sea, to the musical creation from that place, consolidating the “spatial maritime” proposal, as he defines it.
Ayquerico Records / En su propio eje (videoclip)
Autotel is an authentic artistic project in practice: doing things for the intrinsic enjoyment of doing them. The pandemic and post-pandemic crisis forced him to take an introspective and theoretical turn, investigating creative ways of composing music outside the twelve notes of our western music system. Also exploring online platforms to diversify his project and reach new audiences.
WEB / SP Live / Youtube
Carla Valenti – Barcelona, España
From Barcelona, Spain, Producer and DJ, Carla Valenti, takes us on a journey through her own current reality and how she makes her way through adversity, proving that perseverance has its rewards.